Kolb learning cycle

Management Framework

Illustration of Kolb's experiential learning cycle, showing the stages: Concrete Experience, Reflective Observation, Abstract Conceptualization, and Active Experimentation. Describes how people learn through engaging, reflecting, conceptualizing, and applying.

Talent Development
Self Development
Kolb's learning cycle - experiential learning model diagram for knowledge acquisition.


The cycle has 4 stages that employees continuously move through:

Concrete Experience - A new task is assigned to build a skill ⇒ Involve your team in live, real-world tasks.

Reflective Observation - They consciously reflect on what worked, what didn’t ⇒ Encourage your team to think about what they did and how it went.

Abstract Conceptualisation - They make connections to extract broader theories. ⇒ Help them transform these reflections into a practical checklist or framework.

Active Experimentation - The lessons are applied to the next experience

This cycle of experiencing, reflecting, learning, and trying again allows for rapid behavior change.

Quick tip

Quick Tip 

After a new project or task, hold a quick team huddle. Ask each member to share one key takeaway and how they plan to apply it in their next task. This simple exercise embeds learning into everyday work, making the Kolb Cycle a practical tool for continuous team development.

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