Avoid diminishers for impactful communication

Management Framework

Strengthen Your Communication

Self Development
Communication hacks - avoid diminisher phrases in professional conversations.


Think of the diminishers as the clouds in your communication universe. Do you see how everything looks grey and gloomy when the sky is covered with clouds? That's the same with the meaning of your message when you use diminishers. You can allow your words to get a brighter glow when you switch from the phrases such as “I kind of seems that…” or “I might be wrong…”.

So what if you are? Switch that to “It's possible that…” and you will see how you will instantly encourage more conversation and problem-solving around the topic in hand.

Quick tip

Quick Tip 

For the next week, challenge yourself to eliminate just one common diminisher from your communication. Each week, focus on another until your language is consistently strong and assertive. This incremental approach can lead to profound changes in how you're perceived and how you perceive yourself.

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