50 printable activity sheets to boost team collaboration and cohesion

The Complete Team Activities Toolkit

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Team Activities Toolkit for Organized Managers by ManagerHacks
Team Activities Toolkit for Organized Managers by ManagerHacks

About the eBook

The Team Activities Toolkit contains 50 printable sheets

Inside the Team Activities Toolkit you will find 50 creative, ready-to-use activities with detailed explanations to put the energy back into your meetings, have productive conversations, solve real problems and get more engagement from your team. It's perfect for boosting your confidence, encouraging collaboration, and you can even adapt it to remote or face-to-face teams. Get it today and see your team transform!
Activity Sheets
Average Duration
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What you'll Find Inside

Each Activity Includes:

Each activity card includes: ✔️ A clear purpose ✔️ Easy-to-follow preparation steps ✔️ Materials needed (budget-friendly) ✔️ Duration (from 10 to 90 minutes) ✔️ A difficulty rating ✔️ Step-by-step instructions ✔️ Remote team adjustments
Team Activities Toolkit for Organized Managers by ManagerHacks

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The Complete Team Activities Toolkit

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